I was analyzing my client’s website, and I came to know that he owns two mirror websites. The content and the design of both the websites are very similar. I do not know if this will affect this online presence. I think that this will make his site duplicated. I want to know what can be SEO solution to make both the sites work. Do I need to add 301 Redirection in order to direct the visitors to one of the sites? If you think that this is an ideal option, then I will try to make my client understand.


In my own experiences, this would not be treated as duplicated contents as duplicated contents would generally refer to duplication on the same domains. I think if you could make them both high ranking in SERP, there would be no 301 redirection needed.

have a nice day,

From the home page if you click and it takes you to the other site it is most probably just a redirect or parked page, but if all inside pages are same and different urls then it is duplicated.

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