what has happend to Yahoo! ???
i used linkdomain command on Yahoo! search to find all links to a domain. for example:
linkdomain:daniweb.com . but it now return 0 . have they lost data??

I assume they don't want to emphasize the fact that they don't have the technology to do it themselves.

So does this slight problem translate to new products and better services from them?

I assume they don't want to emphasize the fact that they don't have the technology to do it themselves.

who do you mean doesn't have the technology? Yahoo! ?? and what technology?

it shows me the data when I searched for link:domainname...

it shows me the data when I searched for link:domainname...

'link:' is for finding links to a page but 'linkdomain:' is for whole domain,not a specific page, at least it was,if Yahoo! hasn't removed it.

link:daniweb.com return just 4 results. do you think it is a real result? and if you use
link:daniweb.com -site:daniweb.com ,only 2 sites rematin,it means just 2 sites link to daniweb.com. does it seem true?

but i have to say the result is as the past on the other Yahoo! domains,like yahoo.co.uk or yahoo.jp. only .com and .ca are transitioned to Bing.

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