Pay-per-click - is it really profitable?

PPC is really profitable Because PPC is generally bid based the ability to pay only for successful marketing under PPC you only pay a fee when a user clicks on your ad i am satisfied its really profitable....

Better read carefully the T.O.S ( Term Of Services ) inside each of PPC's before you take an action for joining one or more than one of them.
Frequently read the FORUM enclose also can help us to decide which one the best.
At the end, everything is under your own risk...good luck...!!!

Yes, PPC is really good but make sure you don't make numerous clicks from same ip-address. It can get you good income.

Yes PPC is certainly useful where you can get leads on difficult terms that you get long time to get on organic, keep watch on money spent and add negatives that is not of your targeted market

Yes PPC profitable but it's depends on Product and services

If you have the funds and the right training on how to use keywords with PPC, then yes. Personally, I don't mess around with it. Kind of makes me feel like I standing on the sidewalk with a sign that says, "I'm giving away money!" LOL...:)

That's good one, but really it's not a waste of money. It do works, you can get good return.


Yes, PPC can be very profitable. Some of the keys are establishing a realistic cost per click budget based on the average revenue per customer. And....starting with a small program to understand the dynamics and costs before scaling up to a larger costlier campaign.

Good Luck,

-Rich Fairfull

While PPC can be very profitable, it is also the fastest way to “lose your shirt” on the Internet!
What do I mean; you can lose A LOT of money very FAST if you don’t know what you are doing.

If you are going to be profitable with PPC, do yourself a favour, and ensure the following:

  • That you have a HIGHLY OPTIMIZED Landing page(s) which convert (s) well.
  • Set a daily budget which you can afford for each of your campaigns.
  • Only target your campaigns to countries/regions where your prospective customers are located.
  • Have separate campaigns for content network, Search network and Partner network.
  • Link your Google Analytics to your PPC account and set up Goals & Conversion tracking.
  • Separate your keywords into closely related Ad groups – write at least two ads for each Ad group, send visitors to relevant pages.
  • Start with only phrase match “ “ and exact match [ ] at first, while using negative keywords.
  • Track and measure everything, running reports everyday to gather intelligence which you act on.

    This is not an exhaustive list, but will get you going on a good footing.

If you don’t understand any of these concepts send me a PM.

All great points peekayb, I'd just add run a test campaign on a secondary search provider like 7Search, once it's tuned port the campaign over to Google or the other major search engines.


Invest in PPC!

yes, it's profitable, but nowadays is hard because of fake clicks on ads, and really need to be cautious.

Yes, if you are looking forward to increase the traffic to your website fast, then Pay-per-click is really a good option. Choosing the best keywords will surely help you to get traffic fast with PPC compared to others.

Hello,everybody.I know nothing about this profitable system and I want to begin


Yes is very profitable of you can use it properly. If you can get high traffic keywords + low cost per click = money in your pocket.

PPC can be very lucrative. Some of the key is to establish a realistic cost per click budget on the basis of average revenue per customer. And From a small program to understand the dynamics and costs before expanding to a larger more expensive campaign.

PTC is very profitable if u know what you are doing

Yup PPC is really profitable but you have to be very careful with launching PPC campaigns to get maximum CTR and high Quality score...

it is profitabe to sell online products .if you want to use is for adsense then it is not good

Yes, PPC is one of the principal ways of monetize website and still making tons of money for webmasters.

Yes, is very profitable.

PPC is really profitable if and only if you get abundant traffic to you site. Orelse you cant earn more.

Pay per click is really very profitable because you have to pay website traffic only for visitors click.For each click of your PPC ad, one visitor is delivered to your web site. The most common PPC advertising is Google AdWords. Google AdWords is one of the most readily measurable types of advertising available.

yes it is very profitable but you should know all the steps of creating a PPC Campaign for your site, otherwise you can't get good profit as much as you deserve.

PPC is one of the profitable paid ad campaign by Google. From this a company can get more traffic within a given time. but it is costly so a very small company can not take advantage from this ad campaign

ITs always good to redirect traffic to your website or landing page as you are getting targeted traffic and more chances to grab a sale or a lead.

PPC is really profitable for PPC generally try to build the capacity to pay only for successful marketing in the PPC fee paid only when the user clicks on your ad and I am satisfied it is really profitable ....

Pay per click is really profitable because you control your budget spent on each campaign.A key benefit of using PPC advertising is that you can target your audience geographically.If you sell a product or service that is dependent on the season, such as only being needed during the festive season, then PPC campaign can help you create a tactical campaign during the required time period

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