will anyon please tell me that which domain name google prefer more for search engine ranking? .com or .net

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.com no doubt.

Well the domain which is relevant to your website... Domain should be precise and should reflect the products or services that you will provide..


Domain suffix would usually have no relation with SEO purpose, IMO. You might pick up them according to the niche of your site. Of course, having keywords in your domains would be helpful for ranking purpose.

all the best,

Domains with .edu or .org...and domains are clear, short (not so long), easy to remember and relevant to your website's content.

Google gives more weightage to .com Extension.

The only difference for domain name in Google search is in local search. Like .au sites will rank better in Google Australia or .uk sites have better results in Google UK.

Google will give prefer more for this domain .gov, .edu, .org and .com.

Can anyone explain the reason why google prefers .edu or .gov domain?

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