I saw that some websites have got back link from face book. Can you provide me some Social Media sites that can provide back link or provide huge traffic to the website?

As far as I know, there are only few Social Media Sites who gives a do follow links because almost all social sites are now in a no follow mode

Basically social networking sites are useful to increase traffic.

wow... really very nice source Mr.ezestseo thanks to share this.... :) :)

wow... really very useful source thanks to share this link source post more like this.... :)

Social media site never give you permanent backlinks. Its just use to improve serp results of to get a huge traffic from it.

Are Facebook back-links do follow then?

You can get all social media sites from google search :
major like - twitter, facebook, linkedIn and my space etc...

Are Facebook back-links do follow then?

No as my knowledge it's no follow.

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