When banner ads are displayed on most websites (ecommerce sites, internet forums, article pages, free email inboxes, etc.), are advertisers charged per click, or per impression (CPM)? What's the norm?

Many times you are given the choice.

When banner ads are displayed on most websites (ecommerce sites, internet forums, article pages, free email inboxes, etc.), are advertisers charged per click, or per impression (CPM)? What's the norm?

Really, Its totally mutual agreement between the advertiser and You, Which mode you would like to select.

You can choose to go by CPC or CPM model based on what your budget and objective is. If you are looking for more awareness and visibility then go for CPM. If lead generation is your objective go for CPC.

It depends on the amount and type of traffic you're getting. If a specific niche market is coming to your site and you have a high Click through ratio, then you want to pursue CPC to maximize your profits every quarter. If you're getting a ton of traffic from various places, you want to focus on CPM. However, most media buyers come to you with what they want you to offer. Certain campaigns have certain kinds of requirements. If Microsoft was releasing a new operating system and you had a tech site, they might be more interested in just making a ton of impressions to bring up awareness. If a no name hosting site is trying to access your tech site then they might want to do CPC this way they get the impressions and only have to pay you for those who really are interested. It goes eitehr way.

It depends on you that how you want to promote you site

It depends on the amount and type of traffic you're getting. If a specific niche market is coming to your site and you have a high Click through ratio, then you want to pursue CPC to maximize your profits every quarter. If you're getting a ton of traffic from various places, you want to focus on CPM. However, most media buyers come to you with what they want you to offer. Certain campaigns have certain kinds of requirements. If Microsoft was releasing a new operating system and you had a tech site, they might be more interested in just making a ton of impressions to bring up awareness. If a no name hosting site is trying to access your tech site then they might want to do CPC this way they get the impressions and only have to pay you for those who really are interested. It goes eitehr way.

Wow that good stuff thanks.

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