I have no good knowledge in seo .I want to learn seo.

Visit several webmaster forums like this and learn SEO by asking your question

try to find some basics it the google and then ask you question. it's not easy to explain SEO here in one sentence

Read Online tutorials dear...then come to forums with your questions.

seo is a long term and ongoing process the first thing you supposed to do is download a free seo e-book and read it thoroughly.

its easy to get tunnel vision and only concentrate on building backlinks, make sure you dont forget about on page seo and conversion rates.

download free seo guide from Google and ask question here if you dont understand.

Reading isn't enough. You need to have a test website wherein you can perform optimization based on what you have learned. SEO specialization takes time. You have to understand how search engines work thru hands on experimentation and analysis of results.

You can take help of online tutorials and seo videos available on you tube.

goto Google webmaster tools,
sign up,
validate your site,
google seem to have a good idea what constitutes SEO <<---humor--<<

Hi there,

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving visibility of your website in order to improve ranking to your site in Search Engine.. There are two main methods in SEO, On-page optimization and Off-page Optimization.

Search different seo topics in Google.You will get some good seo tips.

read articles relevant to SEO and visit vedios on youtube

If you want to improve your SEO, so visit some good SEO blogs and and read articles from various sites. Some good steps of SEO are more focused on quality and original content and unique keywords.

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