Hi Everyone

I am about to start writing a blog, and I allready have some articles to upload to article directories. I was wondering which were the best directories to submit articles and blogs for the fitness industry, and if you had any thoughts on how I can generate more traffic to my website using these methods?


You can start with fresh and unique content with your targeted anchor phrase. DO not ever tried copy and pasted content or article plagarism for article writing. Fresh content may increase high possibilities to crawl your blog fast.

You can start with fresh and unique content with your targeted anchor phrase. DO not ever tried copy and pasted content or article plagarism for article writing. Fresh content may increase high possibilities to crawl your blog fast.

I have articles which I have written for magazines is it ok to upload these to directories? Also can I submit these articles to as many directories I like?

"which were the best directories to submit articles"

You can easily fine a good list of article directories which are do-follow and can help in promoting your blog. Similarly you can also do the social bookmarking of these article posting, Which effective way of getting good numbers of visitors...

For blogging you can do the social media bookmarking and social media networking to get good numbers of visitors....

Hi Everyone

I am about to start writing a blog, and I already have some articles to upload to article directories. I was wondering which were the best directories to submit articles and blogs for the fitness industry, and if you had any thoughts on how I can generate more traffic to my website using these methods?


As the method which you have decide to use that are the best methods. And with that methods provide the best and useful content to people. And promote your blog and articles on your social media profile for getting more results and try to get attention of more and more people and make discussion with them and provide more useful stuff in your conversation.

This all about research, for writing quality contents you should research first about the niche. Now these days only quality contents are not enough you need excellent contents. Google Panda loves research based content. so do some search and then write about it

The Google Algorithm Update i-e Google Panda is all about good quality work. No matter it is searched/researched/genuine thought/pure opinion and all. So writing unique content is key success and on-page and off-page optimization.

Directory submission is considered as quality submission in terms of content and relevancy because you can get a niche category there.
You can easily find a do-follow list in google.

I always tell people to start avoiding article directories. I don't actually know which are the best for your niche, but the time you spend writing quality content can be spent for doing better things.

Hi Everyone

I am about to start writing a blog, and I allready have some articles to upload to article directories. I was wondering which were the best directories to submit articles and blogs for the fitness industry, and if you had any thoughts on how I can generate more traffic to my website using these methods?


My suggestion to you is, read more and more and participate in the niche message boards. Web and message boards are the best source of knowledge.
The more you have knowledge, the more you have to write and share with others. You have to spend time for that.

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