Hello Friends,
I have been working on one of the SEO project from past few months and by working consistently on this I had achieved my first target that is to bring all the keywords on top ten position but now I am focusing to bring these in top 5 position and some of the techniques which I am using are directory submission, social bookmarking, forum posting, blogging, article submission etc., Still by using all these techniques the keywords are not yet stable on their position for example one of the keyword was on position 4 and now it has dropped down to position 7. Please suggest some techniques which can be helpful to bring all the keywords in top 5 positions and make them stable.

Get solid backlinks like links on old sites, links on .edu sites and so on... You need some cement to hold you there.

Otherwise you will have to work harder to stay there.

You see, it’s very difficult (impossible in fact) to stick to a SERP ranking. Rejiggering in search results (as a result of rigorous optimization by your competitors) makes it really hard for webmasters to stay glued to a high SERP position.

You must, however, keep working on on-page and off-page optimization techniques consistently and religiously to avoid steep falls.

It actually depends on the keyword you target. From my experience, top 5 positions for obviously lucrative keywords are occupied and there's little you can do about it.

You should have a closer look at what your competitors do: set up google alerts for their brand names, monitor their backlinks. Constantly build links. Look into long keyword options.

This is a wonderful opinion. The things mentioned are unanimous and needs to be appreciated by everyone.

keep it up and most emphasize on link bulding and on site seo

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