The quality of the traffic derived from sponsored ads has diminished over the past couple of months. I've noticed this more with one of the search engine provider's of cost-per-click traffic services, more so than the other important one.

When I check my server logs I see too many, of what appear to be visitors, who spend less than one second on the web site and then just go away. This visitor is the result of a specific keyphrase search. This visitor "examined" the title and description? Did he / she see the URL? I just don't how this is based on specific search results. Luckily the another major search provider seemingly doing a better job at this, in today's search engine market conditions.

I get ticked off the most when I try to track their source, and get stonewalled at an another IP number. I don't care to have the technical knowledge of what it is. Is there some way to avoid this and regain my confidence? It's happened before, it'll more than likely happen again, regain my confidence that is.

Question : Is there a name for this type of visitor. What would it be?

It becomes discouraging to watch money get collected by the "search engine" when it could be better used elsewhere. Too great is the volume of this and too much is the cost of sustaining this visitor, one initiated by an exact keyphrase search.

Additional Questions :

Is there basis to what I'm observing?
Are there repercussions for discussing this observation?
Am I just a <<URL SNIPPED>> guy?
Or do I just feel like making a stink today? I am rather moody lately.

Comments welcomed. Call me a dweeb or whatever, but do that at my blogspot, if you can find it. That way if I don't like your reply, I can delete it. In here, as I don't enjoy debating and being challenged in public, I don't want to talk about much alse but this right now.

Unfortunately, join the club. I think that a neverending question is "what can I do to get a new web surfer's attention just long enough for them to look at what I have to offer." There are multiple ways of doing this, but I think the most important is to make sure that your site speaks for itself *without* words. Web surfers don't like reading, so make sure that your logo, design, color scheme, and overall feel of the site at least give the person a clue as to what you have to offer. It's just one more thing you can do to help them along to feeling you have something good to offer them.

Here's a trick that my friend Chris did and said it works wonders. He runs a web development forum and noticed (as here) a lot of people come into the individual threads via Google searches. However, he found people were instantly leaving, and needed a way to get them to spend at least a minute reading the thread before instantly hitting the back button and returning to the search results. So what he did was write a script in which all surfers who end up on a forum thread as a result of a google search, automatically will have all of the words in their google keyword search highlighted for them throughout his thread. It is instant proof to the surfer that what THEY are specifically looking for is indeed on this page. It makes them stay THAT much longer ;) And it's simple to implement. Remember, both client and server have access to a referer URL which would include the google query string. :)

I suggest that better to avoid cost-per-click traffic services and go for natural search engine ranking for the long term results and to have peace of mind

I suggest that better to avoid cost-per-click traffic services and go for natural search engine ranking for the long term results and to have peace of mind

Thanks for the suggestion. Perhaps you are in a better position than I to do so.

Unfortunately, new sites can take a great deal of time to generate positions in the SERPs. One pretty well has no choice to pay the SEs for PPC if they want targeted traffic immediately.

Then, by the time the web site matures long enough to get ranked well, the keyphrase challengers in competitive environments are developing content so quickly and in such a volume that any one man, ethical show fights with both hands tied behind his back.

:evil: Google wants us to place by the rules. So ethical SEO specialists do that. It rarely punishes those that we report as spammers.

Life would be so much easier if we didn't have to compete against every cheap, unethical, oppressed link building sweat house and original content editing massive propagating students of the English language from every third ...

I'm losing patience.

When I check my server logs I see too many, of what appear to be visitors, who spend less than one second on the web site and then just go away. This visitor is the result of a specific keyphrase search.

Hi canadafred,

My guess is that you are using general terms, instead of highly targeted, relevant keywords. The reason cscgal's friend method is working, is because he is highlighting the relevancy of the visitors search. No wonder it works.

I believe the lack of relevancy is the cause of your problem.
Try revising your keywords to highly targeted terms. :)

I just decided to take Chris's advice and set up the same thing here on DaniWeb. I haven't yet noticed any clearcut improvement in session length time or pages visited per session. However, it has only been 2-3 days and I want to give it at least a full week. We always go down on the weekends, anyways. I'm excited to see what an extended test will show. I'll report back results here.

Basically, it's called "Search Engine Keyword Highlight with Javascript". You can find it by doing a google search for "keyword highlight javascript"

this is the problem of thoudand people out there, not only you.
had better not lose you patience because for website stuffs if you are not patience, you lost everything.
I still sometimes use PPC for my new keywords even my natural ranking is not too bad. and fault clicks in very normal, we can not control it 100% but I use to block some website, areas, countries where fault clicks came from, complain to Google all the time ( sometimes they refund even not too much )
but PPC is a short term and only good for promote new things, new website. Natural way is better so just spend sometimes here to read more about CEO then you make make your own long term solution.
everyone started from knowing nothing, you will make it if you not lossing your patience and spend enough time on this forum

good luck

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