I would like to know about sitemap. How sitemap is important in SEO and how to create it?

happygeek commented: yawn (again) -3

In SEO site map is very very important to crawl your site by search engine.Site map just like address of your site that show link address to search engine to easily find your site.

sitemap is kind of directory of the site, where crawler or other bot can find each pages of the website.

you can create site map through tools like



Sitemap is two types
HTML sitemap which is helpful for users.
XML sitemap which is helpful for search engine

Sitemap is one of the very important part of SEO. By the help of sitemap crawler comes to know about your whole website and web pages. It is of two types
1.) Xml Sitemap for crawlers &
2.) HTML sitemap for users.

Site map is very important for a website and seo's. Because it containing all the informations about the site. Sitemap helps crawler to cache the all the pages in the website.

There are two types of Sitemap, one is HTML and other is XML sitemap. HTML Sitemap is useful for vistors and XML is for search engine. HTML sitemap is one of the most important tactics you can use to distribute your link juice efficiently within your site. It is a bulleted outline text version of the site navigation. An HTML sitemap allows site visitors to easily navigate a website. It is valuable for human visitors, as it allows them to find any page within your site quickly. XML Sitemaps is an easy way for you to submit all your URLs to the Google index and get detailed reports about the visibility of your pages on Google. It is important to get your pages indexed so that you can show up in the results of searches done using the search engines.

Sitemap is one of the very important part of SEO. By the help of sitemap crawler comes to know about your whole website and web pages. It is of two types

1.) Xml Sitemap for crawlers &
2.) HTML sitemap for users.

There are 2 types of site map is there. above the some of them listed. Once again i would listed.

1. XML sitemap.
2. HTML sitemap

Now a days every one gives more important for XML site map.

1. Its help to getting quick crawls from search engine.
2. Help to increase Google ranking to our targeted keywords.

Sitemap is one of the very important part of SEO. By the help of sitemap crawler comes to know about your whole website and web pages. It is of two types
1.) Xml Sitemap for crawlers &
2.) HTML sitemap for users.

Thanks, but i have question both sitemap create for Search engine. For fast crawling If i am wrong please share best answer in descriptive way.

I am not sure about Sitemap and Robot.txt used.

Thanks, but i have question both sitemap create for Search engine. For fast crawling If i am wrong please share best answer in descriptive way.

I am not sure about Sitemap and Robot.txt used.

XML sitemap is used by crawlers whereas HTML sitemap is for users for better navigation on other pages of website.

whereas robot.txt is totally different thing, it is used to control web robots.

yup site map is very important to crawl for search engine to your site. it is the address of your site pages.

commented: yawn - smells like sig spam -3

Sitemap is very important thing. It is address of your website. Many types of sitemaps-

  1. xml
  2. html
  3. ror
commented: yawn - sig spamming crap -3

XML sitemap is important for web spiders to easily navigate through the website and get automatic updates of your website. HTML sitemap helps the users to navigate easily through the website.

Site map is usually used to see all the pages of the site.Its useful for crawler and visitor of your site as well.

Just head to google.com and hunt for "XML Sitemap" and you may notice lots of websites that may assist you produce a sitemap for your site.

The reason they are necessary with SEO is that you simply will submit them to Google/Bing etc and that they will notice all of your pages and index them faster/easier. The faster they get indexed, the faster they'll begin appearance on the search engines

Site map is important in seo because it shows your websites link address.

The basic Use of sitemap is get your site index quickly, and some other useful point's are help in finding broken links easily, provide direct link to user's and submit SiteMap on search engine for quicker and better result's.

Thanks,for providing useful information

Sitemap enables the crawler to crawl every page of your website. XML sitemap is for crawlers or bots and HTML sitemap is for users.

sitemap is very important task in SEO. Sitemap will give details of all your webpages to search engines. There are so many tools to create XML sitemap

Sitemap.xml is on of the best part for crawling website pages into major search engine

Of course sitemap is important for crawling purpose. If you add sitemap Search Engines crawler come to know that how many pages you have in your site.

Sitemaps are nothing but the clickable list of pages in a website. It helps in easy navigation through the website by the users and the search engines. It makes the site more user friendly

This is best way to crawel the all pages through site map easily , and it is created by different free site

XML sitemap is for bots, and is important
HTML sitemap is your acknowlegement that your navigation system is not working, Better is to fdix the nav.
Intuitive menu systems, and logical link structures negate any need for a user to have to look for where they are or need to be

Sitemap helps search engines to pick up more pages for indexing into thier data base.

Sitemap helps us in crawling & indexing our webpage by search engine.

If you want to crawel the all of site and put them in site map it will be easy for crawler to get all pages crawel there , and it will take no time , you site value may increase

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