Is there any Limit to maximum # of Keywords that we can target on a page?

Google don’t care if you use a keyword once or 20 times on a page. They are only looking for something that’s more important then that which is the anchor text your using with that keyword. Just keep a watch on it and if it doesn't look good to your eyes probably is not good!

Thanks Daniel, it means if web page has good content, we can also rank 1000 words on 1 page, Right?

Thanks Daniel, it means if web page has good content, we can also rank 1000 words on 1 page, Right?

Absolutely! If the site has content, traffic etc.. But I haven't come across any such side so far!

yes it depend upon your contact how much large this will be ,then according to that we put the keywords there

this depend upon the your content of that page how your content is rich and hoe much keywords you can easily [put there but you have to take care about no keywords stuffing is allowed in any page

It depends upon the quality of your content. As long as the quality of your content is high, the number of keywords does not matter for Google.

As mentioned above, there's no limit for the number of keywords you target per one page.

You should have a short core keyword, e.g. "make money online" and a dozen of variations you also use in your copy, anchor texts when you do link building, title and meta description.

The examples of longer-tail variations are "make money online fast", "make money online blogging", "make money online no scam", "make money online course", etc.

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