When I do my website SMO at that time some of SMO sites are not allow long url as their per admin rules So I have need for shorten url sites do anybody provide me any shorten url sites ?

Following free URL shorten-er services that will really helpful for you. TinyURL, bitly, Google, Ow-ly, Tiny-cc, shortURL, Firefox Add-ons and etc

You can use tinyurl.com to make short your website URL.

commented: do you really NEVER read the previous answers or are you only here for the sig spamming? Let me guess... -3

Mostly i used to short URL goo.gl is easy and very simple :) Try it!!!

Best way is to search in Google but if you asking than, you can use tinyurl.com its they good site for shorten urls.

There are many site available for shorten url. I use mostly TinyURL and Bit.ly for url shorten.

Open Google and then type in its search box Google Shorten and then in displaying result you will get the Google URL shorten(goo.gl) page open it you will get the site of doing short URL of your site.

Use tiny.cc for the short url, open tiny.cc and submit your site in the search box you will find the small url.

are prefers by crawler

When I do my website SMO at that time some of SMO sites are not allow long url as their per admin rules So I have need for shorten url sites do anybody provide me any shorten url sites ?

try bitly, it is widely use now. i saw bitly urls in twitter and lots of my friends has been using it. you can create your account so you could save all shortened urls. :)

I think that it is not a problem

Try following site for short URL. It is very efective and easy to implement whenever its needed.


This is quite well technique , to get more results and less time for crawler

commented: yawn -3

When I do my website SMO at that time some of SMO sites are not allow long url as their per admin rules So I have need for shorten url sites do anybody provide me any shorten url sites ?

There are many shorten url service providers such as goo.gl (google) bitly, tinyurl etc..

I ever use Bit.ly for url shorten. so i will suggest you the same.

Hello friends, there are lots of url shortener tools available over internet and you can used it. And I do use tiny url shortener.

commented: yawn -2

goo.gl will solve your problem for sure

try this shorten url site..
its free and with stats.. you can track your short url traffic and visits in a real time..
as well as you can protect your links with password..so they will not be publically accessible..

Bitly is the best choice for shortening the URL..Iam using it to shorten URL..

type shorten url in the google hence it gives plenty of relevant searches. You can use google shorten url too

i always use goo.gl to shorten my urls but there is also some more sites which you can try like Bit.ly, tinyurl.com and tiny.cc.

TinyURL, bitly are the best online tools to make your website URL short.

Google always providing service for convert from long URL to Short URL.http://goo.gl/

notlong.com, metamark.net,tinyurl.com are some free shorten URL sites

these are the good url shortner sites.

is.gd is another great site to create shorten url.

a2n,AZQQ,Beam.to,b65.us,CanURL,C-O.IN,DigBig,easyURL,bitly,goo.gl this is the list of Shorten URL Site

there are lots of website that provide free url shortning services

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