I wish re-index my blog after i post new content?
I found how send new site map, but i wish send ping after i add post. I don't wish send all new site map.

Maybe google have some api?

You don't need to ping every single post to google, all you need to do is add your site to google webmaster tools and submit your sitemap there, google will automaticly index your new post.

commented: correct! +4

Thanks,but i know that. I need faster re-index page.
So is possible ping to google one page?

tell me one reason of one thing i started working on 3-4 keyword and my sites ranked very well but don't know since 5-6 days my site is going up and down in google ranking why so ?


If you want to ping your site in google then you need to ping that url in all the data center of google. And the best way is to put your url in blogs which is caching regularly then your url also cahced immediately in all the search engine.
Hope you understand

You need not ping every post.just do it once

for crowling yor site we use pinging site.......search in google gfo ping site..

Thanks friends............
if you want to ping your site and all post at first you will go to( pingler.com) and submit your site

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Although you don't need to ping after adding comments but still a good way is to use bulk ping sites like pingomatic.

collect some quality backlinks for that post..your post will automatically crawl by the search engines

Book title Ping google for every change, or how to get blacklisted

its a Hindenburg, great idea, right up to the crash n burn
Google TOS are remarkable in their specificity

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