i made a website. i want to know how seo is benefical to get a good traffic on my website.. please help me..

SEO help in many ways.
Firstly your website must be constructed in the format recommended by the search engine.
The meta tags like title, description, keywords etc. must also be optimized.
But we should nor adopt the black hat SEO techniques.
The above are on-page SEO tactics.
In off-page SEO techniques, there are many strategies in it like directory submission, social bookmarking, blog and article posting, blog comment, forum posting, press release etc.

I need help on optimizing title tags,meta description and keywords on my site too:
Lajm shqip

Do off-page activity to increase traffics to your site:

Article Submission
Directory Submission
Forum POsting
Bookmarking Submission
Press Reales
Classifide Submission
Article Submission

The purpose of seo work is being done to bring the visiblity of that site. There are certain conditions to be followed for making your site visible for others that's why SEO is done t imprve the visiblity.

According to my knowledge SEO is necessary for every site. It improves Site ranking and also visibility in search engine. It increases traffic on your site which give you good business.

seo is benificial for website because seo is good way of promote website.

I think SEO is useful for your site by bringing Backlinks and traffic. For traffic in my opinion Social media marketing and Social bookmarking are the best SEO technique which generate huge traffic in small time.

SEO helps to increase visibility of website over search results . The Process that Takes Website Towards Goo ranking helps in Promotion and Traffic for website . SEO is Best Online Marketing Techniue . Press Releases , Social Marketing , Content marketing are Good SEO techniques .

In simple way it provide provide you good enough traffic for your site while optimizing your site, it provide better SERP and many others possible options

It promotes your website to the of the page results.

Yes SEO is beneficial for your website.
Because of SEO Your website Visibility increase and your website traffic and and your keyword ranking also increase.
and you will get inquiries also.

you know seo is basically a life to your site.
if you give your site a better seo technique only than your site will remain live in search engine's search.otherwise just die away.


If you do SEO then you can get visitors from search engine and visitors from search engines are targeted visitors to your site I would say.

In todays innovative world seo is the best and easy way to make your website visible among search engine.So that user can take the advantages of your product and services.In short it's all about traffic generation.

SEO can increase the visibility of a web site in search engines. It can place your web site in top of Google or Yahoo search results. It is more helpful to increase your sales and profits.

Hi, I belef that you got the best answer but I want to add somthign here. I thingk SEO is a Grammar or art of webpage. I visit the forum http://www.samuraisseo.com/forum.php ragularly to learn new thing everyday that you may follow.

Yes, SEO is beneficial for your website. With help of SEO you can find your site on google's first position.

The true definition of seo is defined as the highly specialized process of building a successful website,we say it successful if a commmercial website appear on the top search engine otherwise it is just doing it work..This tells importance of seo...:)

Make your site as easy as possible for user. You can also submit articles to website author submissions. Write high content articles for your website and it will increase your site traffic. You should also use social media for increase your site traffic, create an account in social media site Facebook and represent your service or product in front of millions of visitors on Facebook.

Yes, SEO is so benificial benefical for website. You can get a huge of traffic to your site & your site may the first rank in search result by doing SEO. Anyway, There is a great SEO forum http://samuraisseo.com/forum.php that I visit regularly.

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