
What are the common short form terms of SEO that an SEO consultant need to know for an interview?
WHat are its full forn and significance? Please explain what you know -


Search engine results page(SERP) is the listing of web pages returned by a search engine in response to a keyword query.

Return on Investment (ROI) is what every client wants from a search marketing agency. It’s an easy thing to calculate if you’re doing Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising.

For SEO, Clickthrough Rate (CTR) can tell how well the content is in the perspective of the keyword searched in Google.

For a search engine, cost per click(CPC) term cost per click means how much the search engine charges advertisers each time a visitor clicks on a sponsored link.

good explnation.it is the way to measure the success of online compaighn of particular website.

Even their are more questions about website. How many pages are indexed, backlinks for your website, Rank of your page, What techinque you do to get traffic.

The interviwer mainly asking from on page optimization. it asking also from google analytics.

I dont think that, these small terms ar easked in interview. They may b ask about new upcomings ....like panda etc

Good info Crescendo....
But Shahan there are soo many terms which is asking in the interviews...
You must read some good books and also articles related to that...
Then you will get the proper information and this will help you alot...

I just did an interview this week as for the post of an SEO Manager, and I did it very well answering all the questions, but at last they asked the current and expecting CTC and said they will contact me after their discussions. But did not contact yet.. :(

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