Hi friends,

Here my doubt is, i have my own blog and am updating some news frequently. which means am copying the news from other web site and i re-post that. In every post i put a source link to original post.

whether it could be considered as copied content???

yes its duplicate content

It is a copied content.

Yes, this content is treated as duplicate content. You can edit news in your words. Never make copy-paste for your blog.

Seems you all might know about link baitind, which means volunteerly connected their web site if any news or post we like. so i just repost it.

yes it may be considered like that

It will considered as duplicate content. You must know that unique and fresh content is king. If your content is unique then it will easy for search engine to crawl your site/blog and indexed properly and you will not penalized by google.

It will considered as duplicate content. You must know that unique and fresh content is king. If your content is unique then it will easy for search engine to crawl your site/blog and indexed properly and you will not penalized by google.

it's copy content

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