tell me some additional seo tips for my website .

i did onpage optimization for my website..

need more suggestion for onpage and also offpage optimization..

Yes you have done on page seo then star doing off page seo activity like forum posting, blog commenting, social book marking, directory submission, article submission. these are best off page seo techniques.

will you pls provide me some links for related website for web design ?

forum posting , blog commenting , social bookmarkig ,

i have googled but not satisfied with the results..

sir just search on google forum posting websites, blog commenting websites, social book marking websites you will get all the list of websites just register in that and start doing off page seo activities.

First of all choose proper keyword and title for your site. Choose Short tail keyword for your home page and then after choose long tail keyword for inner pages. Use Title in your descriptions. Insert unique and attractive descriptions in all pages of your site.

Matt Cutts recently announced that guest blogging is now a no-no with Google. It just got too spammy for Google's liking.

And I've been long advocating that forum posting and blog commenting do little more than make you out to be a spammer, as well. Just my two cents.

I think, guest blogging with quality and relevent blog will not harm website's rank.


Now, you should start off-page techniques like forums, blog commenting, blog creation, article submissions, etc...

You have already done On Page Optimization. OK, now go for Off Page Optimization; like, forum posting, blog commenting, article submission, Guest Posting, Bookmarking etc.

you are doing onpage optimization. Start doing Offpage optimization like Forum posting, Social bookmarking, Directory Submission.

I prefer you to concentrate more towards the social media especially on the linkedin... i am sure you can generate awareness as well as leads more from there rather than the other social netwroking sites !! i will again say concentrate more on social media...

posting a article in article link directory is also not going to help for backlinks and Google ranks

Keep sharing your links and images on Google+

You have to do proper on page as well as off page optimizations.

google webmaster is also one of the key to get traffic

Do The OFF Page SEO Technique like

Blogging and guest blogging.
Pay per click (PPC).
Social media Marketing.
Sharing Videos in Video Sharing Sites.
Email marketing.

I just checked your site . First of all try to make your site structure with silo.First make a diagram from page to page linking.
And try to make your High Pr Network and have backlinks to your money site with keywords anchors you like to rank.
Make Press Releases,Blog Posting,social media marketing,share images,videos.
You will see big improvement after all.

Concentrate on Off page techniques.try to get quality backlinks to your site through Social bookmarking, Answering in Q&A sites, Forum submissions, Blog commenting on High DA sites and most importantly Guest Posting.

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