how can i improve my website Traffic and search. or what is reason behind google reduce my index page ?

Do The OFF Page SEO Technique like

Blogging and guest blogging.
Pay per click (PPC).
Social media Marketing.
Sharing Videos in Video Sharing Sites.
Email marketing.

Get quality links from websites that must have good PR, Doamin authority and alexa. It will definetly increase SERP.

You got to optimize your site for that you have to do both off-page & on-page optimization.
-Create SEO friendly website.
-Do submissions on websites having high-page rank.
-Try to submit your links on do follow websites.

the quality of your website content and inbound links influences your site ranking
site with better quality content and more links will be higher

being that there isnt a link to the page, all guesstimates are mere guesses, but because code compliant sites rank better these standard tests may assist you

speed examine sprites for small images icons logos,

html standards

handheld standards

css2 standards
css3 standards

handheld device emulator

other browsers

problems (if any present) will show
serious code errors in the w3c validator sites will produce blankscreens in browsershots(other browsers link)

Valid code does not ensure the site will work ...
Invalid code does ensure the site will not work ... .. in all browser OS combinations

not all layouts work in handheld devices
examine css @media handheld { }
& simplify the style and layouts for small devices

fixed size elements do not work in any device except the screen they were designed on, current best practice is em or % for layout, scalar quantities that auto-adjust to window size, screen resolution, user preference, device capability

Redirects to mobile subdomains, and or mobile specific css files, with small simple pages for phones and tablets is easy to accomplish, and if you separate content from layout, you can use the same content on all subdomains, with just simplified layout (images and scripts and css) for less capable devices

strictly code based, you understand(care about) your content more than I do

ONE OF THE BEST sitemap generators to get your site into your google webmaster account

For driving traff articles,blogs will help.Google will be willing to index many pages only if there is unique and freshly updated content in it.

Social bookmarking and social networking sites help to increase traffic while backlinks help to increase ranking. So you should work on it. Search engines like original and useful content for visitors so you should focus on it as well.

To increase your site ranking in search engine optimization, you have to focus on your site incoming links and content. If your site has unique content and quality back links, it will get good ranking position in all search engines automatically.

Website traffic can be increased by both on-page and off-page optimization. Try to follow both these methods. They will definitely show the variation.

Do posting on high pr and alexa rank sites that give you better results on serp.
Participate on conversion like blog commenting and forum posting.
Write unique and descriptive article and submit on high pr sites.

First you should need to increase your website traffic count and inbound,outbound links amount.Because these two factors and performance only determines the website page rank.

great post
Thanks to all for share your valuable thoughts.

Check on with Technical aspects in your site.
Improve page load speed
Quality link building
High quality content
Image optimization
Social media linking
Meta tags

You can get on top of the Google SERP and, in this article, we’re going to go over 5 strategies you can use to help you do it.

  1. Improve Your Domain Authority
  2. Get More Backlinks
  3. Create Your Own Backlinks
  4. Optimize Everything for the Right Keywords
  5. Optimize Your Site
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