Hello guys,
I have two keywords like web Development Company in xyz and website Development Company in xyz. Both keywords have similarity. Now my question is that the landing page of both keyword is different but their on page is accurate. I mark that that type of keyword represent home page but I choose inner page for 1 keyword. So any suggestion regarding that keyword?

I am not 100% sure what you are asking. From what i have gathered you have created two landing pages. I am going to assume that on both pages they are titled: Web Development Company in XYZ and Website Development Company in XYZ with only the one word changing.

If I understand correctly basically both of those pages are the exact same minus the difference between the keywords Web and Website. Google has cracked down on this significantly and it might still work in odd occurences however this tactic has fallen into the grey hat SEO tactics list. Especially with the value SEs are putting on unique content. So you probably wont notice any advantage if any of having these two landing pages in the SERPs especially if everything is similarly worded. Big SEs have become smart enough to recognize the changing of one word per sentence and could actually penalize you for re-using content.

Second to that SEs can also detect keyword derivatives. So if it sees a word like development it will count the words develop, dev, etc. as derivatives and subsequently boosting your keyword density based off of that.

Its better to have unique on page for both of the websites since there are only minor changes and hence can cause some affects in the serps.

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