If you read my discussion about how Google started ranking Stack Overflow above all other tech forums on the web, you'll learn about our severe ranking decrease over the past year. From browsing around other webmaster forums, it seems as if all tech discussion forums have taken a severe hit in favor of Q&A sites. I can't seem to find any out there, but I was just wondering if there are still any high ranking tech forums out there in Internet land? Either any that weren't as severely hit or any that bounced back or even made a partial recovery?

I think you should try checking androidpit out I think it ranks quite well over the search engine.

They actually don't rank too highly, and Alexa is showing a huge decrease for them as well anyways.

You should try quicksprout forum. The PR of this forum is 5. If you are interested take a visit. I started this forum 2 weeks ago and found this informative.

@Dani I guess their alexa has improved ! But yes like you said they are also lossing their visiblity over the organic search results.

I think instead of searching for a technical forum it is better to stat a technical forum on own so, here I have shared a link which is having the details about the how to start a technical forum in detail plese make use of it.The link is:
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Start-a-Technical-Forum

commented: Not relevant. -2

@Scotthiggins seriously? tell me how its going to help OP ?? Please try to remain over the topic @Dain has asked for "Are still any high ranking tech forums out there in Internet land? Either any that weren't as severely hit or any that bounced back or even made a partial recovery?" and your giving her suggestion to create another ....

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