I have several google blogs, I mean blogspot.com. Can I submit them to yahoo or other search engine for indexing?

Yes you can. Although, it isn't necessary to submit by yours activities. Because Google and other engines index them automatically.

What the reasons to index automatically?
Answer is here:

1. There are lots of automated whois sites grab data on new domain names / existing names etc to check for new registrations and/or expiring domains."

2. You must heard about the googlebots are crawling everywhere, and so are the bots of the other search engines.

Thanks for your question limonzmn

No Idea about this, but you guys should reply for this.

Thought you were doing this all the forums.


finally My answer

Search Engines will automatically crawl your website. if google fetches your website then others do.

I don't think you should ping your blogspot blog to other search engines. Instead I would recommend you to focus on building natural links for your post which will help search engine to index your website fast.

yes, you can submit yor site to other search engines such as yahoo and bing as this will also leads to generate more traffic to your website.

You can submit your site Bing and google or baydu search engine

Usually blogspot posts get indexed quickly. But if you're still worried then yes you submit your blog into bing webmaster tools.

Yes, you can sumbit your blogspot blogs to other search engines. Blogspot or web 2.0 is working as a website that have goal to reach your main website through link wheel. So, if you want traffic from other search engines too, you must sumbit your web 2.0 sites.

Yes sure..

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