I am new to the SEO and looking for search engine optimization tool.
I found some seo tools online but I don't know which one to choose.
Does anyone know other good seo software or recommendation?
Many thanks.

I am new to the SEO and looking for search engine optimization tool ...Does anyone know other good seo software or recommendation?
Many thanks.

Find one that you can work the code manually so you can tweak your content delivery or modify internal elements like Title and stuff. A good quick one that I still recommend is NotePad. ( most people probably didn’t get that one )

I have more than one comment about the uselessness of most SEO software tools; they sell good. ( some more will get what I mean now )

Oh heck.

Software developers often prey on people still hoping to find short cuts in SEO. Just keep that in mind when shopping around for SEO stuff that you don't need anyway. There, now you know.

Software developers often prey on people still hoping to find short cuts in SEO. Just keep that in mind when shopping around for SEO stuff that you don't need anyway. There, now you know.

yeap, i agree with you
the funniest thing (actually it's very usefull) it's when you do Free consultancy to the site owner - what he should do and explain in very high details - he says like "wow thanks, how much i should pay for ya to do all of that?" :lol:

anyway it's good, and i think that if you are the business man (which are actually creating sites for some business) you should not get into the development process or the internet marketing - it's senseless and will just waste your time.

addweb is pretty decent also...

I don't think any SEO software would ever help you to get on top of search engine.
What i will suggest you : to be your own SEO expert, you know your site and your product better so why to rely on other, get up and start yourself all techniques for getting higher ranking in searchengines.

http://validator.w3.org/ is all you need :)

always wanted to ask .... what exactly is validator.w3.org good for? well, i mean in terms of seo-wise, not web-proper-coding-wise

care to drop me a hint? :eek:

Nothing SEO wise directly. But if you can't get your site to validate don't hold your breath about optimizing it for search engines (plus errors in your code can cause parsing issues).

I am new to the SEO and looking for search engine optimization tool.
I found some seo tools online but I don't know which one to choose.
Does anyone know other good seo software or recommendation?
Many thanks.

No need.
Dont waste your time on Software in SEO. It is not only useless but also may harm your site.
Nature ways is the best software.

Good luck.

SEO software will never harm your site (other then giving bad advice that is). The worst thing SEO software can do it get your home IP address blocked from the search engines if you do too many automated queries. If you are querying Google or Yahoo, use their APIs and you'll be ok.

Software are not reliable in SEO field because it is an ongoing process and you need to make changes, analysis and apply strategy according to the market. I prefer manual work in this area.

What I think is manual work is the best in terms of using any software because you will not get that positive and relevant results by the use of that software.

There are many SEO softwares you will get in the market but you cant rely on them, due to certain reasons like spamming and duplicate content.

But, on the other hand there are lot many softwares that you can use for some processes that are mainly use in SEO to save some time and these softwares are good to use but, they are not fully automated, you have to do some manual work.


SEO in and of itself is such a weird self-made market. I often wonder if the whole industry is just one big lie sold to consumers.

seoelite is the best i have ever used. Have a try

Yes This True .. make a keyword .. that will be heart of ur site ... and work on it ....... don't use or go .. for seo softwares

I never recommend to you SEO software, because manual submission only lead you to face success.

Try to use Google tools, all products of Google are really awesome and helpful to the society mainly.

yes pctec says http://validator.w3.org/ is all you need.
this software is very high quality software and i sure he solved your problems.

If you insist on using seo tools to help you with your seo... allow them to guide you, but use common sense. Learn the basics through research and asking questions. Tools can be great reference points, but quality seo comes with time, experience and common sense. Do it manually... Make sure that your content is quality and relevant to your keyword. Analyze your links... are they relevant? Can they help you to increase your PR?
Focus on learning aspects of SEO like prominence and density. Many will argue that these are not important anymore, BUT when used in combination with effective user readability and a quality site structure, they'll only help you.

I use one called Rank Tracker which I believe is just brilliant.

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