Over 6 months & still no google!
The site is [in profile] & after nearly 6 months it's still not coming up in google...
I have pleanty of incoming links from relevent sites.
I submited a sitemap but the mesage i can read in my sitemap member area is:
(No pages from your site are currently included in Google's index. Indexing can take time. You may find it helpful to review our information for webmasters and webmaster guidelines. [?]
Googlebot last successfully accessed your home page on Sep 7, 2006 .
You have submitted 1 Sitemaps. You have no Sitemap errors. )
Anybody has any idea Why ?

try sending a reinclusion. If and When a site takes that long, maybe it is locked from indexing... that can happen. Here are two reasons to submit a reinclusion.

* Upon reviewing your site, you found that it violated our webmaster guidelines and you've made changes to your site so that it adheres to the guidelines.
* OR You recently acquired a domain which you suspect may have previously violated our webmaster guidelines.

Please allow several weeks for the re-evaluation process. Unfortunately, we can't reply individually to reinclusion requests.

Resubmit your website to google http://www.google.com/addurl/ or you can try blastengine service for faster inclusion, indexing will be fast but if you're talking about ranking then that might take long time coz of the competition on the certain keywords that you want to get high rank for , optimize site accordingly to yer keywords but i think you're just talking about indexing ? and which website is it maybe i can check if you're banned or not !

Resubmit your website to google http://www.google.com/addurl/ or you can try blastengine service for faster inclusion, indexing will be fast but if you're talking about ranking then that might take long time coz of the competition on the certain keywords that you want to get high rank for , optimize site accordingly to yer keywords but i think you're just talking about indexing ? and which website is it maybe i can check if you're banned or not !

It is << url in signature >>

The domain name has a PageRank value of 3. The domain name DOES NOT appear to be banned. Do yourself a favor try re-submitting it to Google and if you have some extra $$$ try the blastengine service, try searching for ' blastengine' on google and the very 1st listing that might help in getting indexed fast, hope that helps =)

I already submited a sitemap.

Googlebot last successfully accessed my home page on Sep 11, 2006

I have a PR=3 so i do not think to be banned.
How may be it possible that google gives my website PR3 and does not index it even the home page?

Maybe i need a PR7 link to ged indexed?
But it is too much expensive.

No u dont need a PR7 link just wait for a while i'll get u there , i think i told you to check blastengine, try their services you'll be on in no time plus ya you're not banned at all !

One more thing i gotta ask you .. Are you using some sorta masking on your domain name or redirecting it running an affiliate website ? again i would suggest you to submit your URL via www.blastengine.com will definitely help you in the indexing , thanks !

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