
Need comments from SEO guys.

We provide three way link building service or say one way link building.

Usually i use one domain per theme related links.


1. Links for finance website
I will take a pr domain and will install word press, write two-three articles and then start exchange links.

But in this if i get lots of work for different websites then its very difficult to arrange a pr domain for more new websites.

2. I saw many other service providers they make directory link oit from many pr websites and get good ranking in inner pages also and they do link building from that website(directory), so they use the same directory for many websites and place there link in there category.

So now i want comments / view from expert seo available at Daniweb, to help me what to do and which one is worth.

Or if u have any other , which you also use to provide one way links or to get one way links from related websites and pr websites let me know.

Thanks to all in advance.

Thanks to all in advance.

You now realize that you have completely wasted your time with your previous SEO efforts and your obsession over PR importance, why don't you just concentrate on creating unique, valuable content that is worthy linking to?

You now realize that you have completely wasted your time with your previous SEO efforts and your obsession over PR importance, why don't you just concentrate on creating unique, valuable content that is worthy linking to?

Well I have not wasted any previous efforts of that.

Thats also the way i do link building (One way ) but just asking for Daniweb members opinion what they thing is best,

And i said thanks to all in advance because they will give there time for reading this post.


... just asking for Daniweb members opinion what they thing is best ...

It is best not to concern yourself with trying to manipulate your web site's importance by artificially inflating it with links to it. It is best to concentrate on developing the highest quality content within your capabilities and creating web pages that are naturally worthy of being linked.

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