Hi everybody,
until yesterday i had around 31,000 pages indexed by google .
(i check it daily by site:www.mysite.com).
today morning when i checked google is showing only 14000 pages.
any idea guys?
is it temporary or am i going to be in trouble?


Yes, i am also seeing this indexing problem in Google for some of my websites, I think, its temporary and will fix it out in some days.

Even, some months earlier, the same problem was there with Google. But I hope, it would be just a temporary.

Yes it usually happens with forums and blogs.

Google results fluctuate. I don't spend too much time worrying about it. If you're curious about what Google really thinks of your site, register with Google Webmaster Tools at www.google.com/webmasters/

Google is always testing everything. In last two years they had hard time producing quality results. There are still trying to correct the mistakes. But how not to make mistakes when everything is new?

Results fluctuate all the time because Google tests your website with a combination of many other websites. Sometimes you are first and sometimes 4th and so on. Google every month with my forum goes from 60000 posts indexed to only 7000. Huge difference, but when I look into those 6000 posts I see mostly popular posts. Well not always.

So Google shows all your pages and sees how they will react to users then it cuts them down to those he is sure about. Constant change then testing. I don't think it is good system I believe in people and that we should control the results we want to see not the damn robots. Search engine powered by people for people. :-/

So Google shows all your pages and sees how they will react to users then it cuts them down to those he is sure about. Constant change then testing. I don't think it is good system I believe in people and that we should control the results we want to see not the damn robots. Search engine powered by people for people. :-/

Very true.
thnx for quick replies guys........

last week, i have 10.000 pages indexed, but today check, remain 3.400 pages?

Last week i have up to 20 keyworks in the top 10, but today have nothing?

Does any one know why?

I hope you were reading previous posts. I explained above.

Google made a change last week which affected people who were buying or selling text links. A lot of sites got penalties and a lot of links got discounted.

I think buying links change happened almost 2 years ago. It is nothing to be worried if you have quality site or forum all previous results will come back to its original spots.

God bless them and now if they take about.com and wikipedia from all the first results that would be blessing from the sky.

I do not believe that one website should control the information plus Wiki is not reliable source. I can't be sure if what I am reading is truth. Lots of details are misleading. For example when I was reading stuff about my own country and area I live in...I was like really wow I didn't know that. Some tourist probably been here and heard or read something and decided to write about it on Wikipedia. There is reason why professors at colleges do not allow citations from Wikipedia. I know you would say well why don't edit the page...well I just don't have time to write for free on Wikipedia.

But main issues is control of information and power in hands of few to decide what is proper information. The power goes along with Google and their powerful decisions to decide that Wikipedia has more information about my country then our Natural Resources Website. I am not saying that it is not nice to have "free" encyclopedia but it is also not nice to take business from small companies. Wikipedia to me is something like corporation of information ruining the small guys. Some people really go into extremes:


My point is that Google took safe way of giving the search results, but safe is not always the best. My opinion of course. I am not trying to influence anyones ideas of free world.

Yes it usually happens with forums and blogs.

I agree since we change our signatures links and updated our blogs from time to time...

> I can't be sure if what I am reading is truth.
I don't believe that Wikipedia is any less trustworthy than anything else on the web. In fact, I would put more faith into an article that was jointly written by many, many people, and receives a lot of traffic, and so if something is wrong there is a good chance it will be caught by an expert, than an article that was written who-knows-when by a single person.

This is rediculous.
I had around 45,000 pages on google index until last week.
Now it is going down. it dropped to 35,000 then to 12,000 and now only 8000.
Now I think "Was it worth spending 2 months on SEO project ?"
No doubt it showed me good result and increased the traffic from 100 to 900 visits per day but again it is going down as google dose not show my website in search result as it used to.
I hope google re-index my website soon.

Also checking on google webmasters tool, it showed no problem with content of my website.

Title tag issues
We didn't detect any issues with the title tags on your site.

Meta description issues Pages
Duplicate meta descriptions 0
Long meta descriptions 0
Short meta descriptions 2

Non-indexable content issues Pages
We didn't detect any issues with non-indexable content on your site.

Now it is going down. it dropped to 35,000 then to 12,000 and now only 8000.
Now I think "Was it worth spending 2 months on SEO project ?"

Only 7000 now.......
Any suggestions ?????
Please I need help with this issue.........

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