Now I am promoting my business using Press Releases. So, I need to distribute them somehow. I am using Google and Free PR Distribution services. And I found good guide on how to effectively distribute PRs on-line. Its origin is at by Jennifer Mattern ( And here I found useful to repost steps which covers PR publishing:

Here they are:

<< snipped because copied from Jennifer Mattern's article >>

I suppose, these are really great steps to follow. Me personally, I liked the way it is published and described. I had ideas to publish my PRs on-line at my own blogs and publish them at free resources. But here I found it like one-two-three. And for me this is perfect tutorial.

Nice post, thanks!

I don't know if this will help but I use craigs list to find all my work. Good luck

nice contribution to forum.


As a side note, spam will be CraigsList's undoing.

Yes, my experience also says, Press release is a good way to get good links and this is a new technique for social participation. Can you provide the list of websites, offering free press release submission. :)

Jennifer Mattern of has a really good website about PR. She is really nice too!

thankx that was worthy,i always thought of PR but never tried,well i guess i'm gonna try this time.

That's a great PR site. Thanks.


Publicity only works when you have something that is news-worthy, otherwise it is a complete WASTE of money.

Just my 2 ยข


Yeah Write a Press release and submitting it to PRWeb (make sure it is newsworthy)

I haven't tried Press release and since it looks worth spending some effort, I am going to try it out too.

Thanks for sharing the info.


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