Has anyone tried to utilize the 12 second video option in Twitter to communicate with customers? I am looking at it as a viable option for one of my clients and I am curious to know what some peoples results have been.

This would be a good way to stir up "tw-eezer" visits that will then drive visitors to either a youtbube video or to a website.

This would be a good way to stir up "tw-eezer" visits that will then drive visitors to either a youtbube video or to a website.

My thoughts exactly. Imagine the leverage to be gotten from a compelling 12 second clip for a soon to be release movie or TV show. The bad side would be politicians using this to carpet bomb constituents and potential voters with campaign ads.

12 seconds will take to view then how you can communicate with customers using that video? :)

12 seconds will take to view then how you can communicate with customers using that video? :)

Most subliminal advertising takes less than three seconds. This is almost like subliminal advertising. What would you think of a 12 second video promoting an action movie with a two second flash of a url, a 10 second compelling clip (think of the recent Wolverine movie, the scene where he is hanging on the copter) and then another two second flash of the url. What do you think?

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