There is a company called Social Creeper that is promoting a service called Social Media Optimization. Has anyone heard of this before or know anything about it that they would be able to give a brief synopsis.

I have heard of Social Media Optimization and I actually provide such type of consulting. Here is an interesting blog relating to SMO -

Thanks for the added info. I will check it out. Who knows, maybe it will get one of my more stubborn clients to start accepting social media as a valid resource/channel rather than something that is based in voodoo and witchcraft. ; }

Yes, many clients do have hesitation towards social media but clients have to understand that somehow in the social media mix, there are opportunities to increase revenue. This way, attaching anything with revenue will increase its lure.

Yes, many clients do have hesitation towards social media but clients have to understand that somehow in the social media mix, there are opportunities to increase revenue. This way, attaching anything with revenue will increase its lure.

With my one client the main problem is he has no clue about event horizons. He thinks that a website should generate 3 to 5 closable leads a week (for a product that touches all areas of the enterprise, focuses mainly on financial reporting, and costs upwards of $90k per solution) and that all that is required to get traffic to the website to generate those leads is organic search optimization. Not a forward thinking individual with realistic expectations!

yeah acturally i came across social media optimisation
for further detail u can go through this web site : which gives u sufficient details..
hope u can use that for ur purpose

Thanks for the info. I will check it out. Unfortunately, for the problem I have with my one client is more of his being pig-headed than anything else.

A reasonable and understandable concern for employers have been that they dont see the ROI on social media optimization.

A reasonable and understandable concern for employers have been that they dont see the ROI on social media optimization.

The hurdle is to get them to understand ROE (return on engagement) is not an easy measurement to take while also keeping in mind that the event horizons for social network engagements are never the same.

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