I want to ask you a question. How do I build a new online community for my 1 month old website... Do I need to advertise it on adwords.

I have build a website promoting Linux and hoping that the website will have its own online community, but the website don't have good search engine ranking.

I hope other user can give useful idea and hope that this topic will be a useful tutorial for Growing an Online Community Tips and Tricks... Thank you

I want to ask you a question. How do I build a new online community for my 1 month old website... Do I need to advertise it on adwords.

I have build a website promoting Linux and hoping that the website will have its own online community, but the website don't have good search engine ranking.

I hope other user can give useful idea and hope that this topic will be a useful tutorial for Growing an Online Community Tips and Tricks... Thank you

If you site is one month old and you are building a community to support then you must start promoting the site now through adwords (google, yahoo) as well as promoting the site on Digg/Delicious/Technorati if appropriate. Also, if you are on Linkedin (and if you are not, join) and look for groups that would have people who would be interested in your site. Join those groups and talk up the site. While you are building the community you need to have a prominent link from your website to the community inviting people to join.

I am sure that many of the others where will have more to offer but this should get you started. Good Luck!

I have promote my site with google adwords and I don't see any drastic improvement ... Maybe Organic traffic is more suitable... How can I make my site having a good ranking on google search engine...

Anyway, thank you for the advices...

I strongly suggest you to re-optimize your site via:
1. content optimization - create fresh and relevant content
2. also remember with adwords, if the keywords you use are not relevant to your site, it will not only get a poor score, but it will also not have the first rank.
3. Promote the site offline at events. Create a business card plugging your site and network like crazy at Linux related events.

Besides the great advice given by InsightsDigital, you also have to be patient and keep working at it. One month (now two) is nothing. There is another thread similar to this that Dani (the queen of DaniWeb) made many excellent points on but the main one is be patient and keep working. Instant successes are very rare.

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