I just read on a blog about how Drew Carey started a bid $25k to buy his username on Twitter. Drew is willing to go up to 100k!!!

So what about the non-celebrities out there. Would you buy your name on Twitter if someone else already has this? What do you think about this?

No, but I kinda wish my name was Drew and I had joined Twitter a couple of years back :)

HappyGeek, thanks for the giggles. Yes, I agree with you as well. That amount is nice chump change. :-)

Good one Happy Geek!

To the original question, this is similar to if you had a particular url in mind because of a business you had and that url is taken. If you have the resources you can buy if but if you don't you have to come up with a creative way to accomplish your goal without one particular tool.

Get that user banned by reporting him to twitter.

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