Is there an easy or efficient way to convert Facebook Friends into Fans of a Facebook Page? Is there a facebook migration program or something? Or is it just the old fashion way of just asking each friend to become fans of a page?

Is there an easy or efficient way to convert Facebook Friends into Fans of a Facebook Page? Is there a facebook migration program or something? Or is it just the old fashion way of just asking each friend to become fans of a page?

While I am sure that somebody has come up with or is coming up with some sort of migration tool, I think that asking would be the best way to handle this. For me, if someone who friend-requested me suddenly converted me to a fan of their page without asking I would block them immeadiately for being presumptious enough to do this without asking. And if it was part of an attempt to promote the popularity of their page by auto-converting friends to fans so as to claim a large fan-base, I would report them to FB administration.

Thanks for bringing these issues up. It is a form of community violation and most of all, a violation of trust.

Personally - i only join groups or become a fan if I have a specific interest in the topic or person. There are some people that will just join because you asked them to - or see that you joined and they just want to be a part of the community. Nowadays - there is so much information, email, and social media being crammed down our throats, I try to limit my involvement whenever possible and reduce the noise.

Personally - i only join groups or become a fan if I have a specific interest in the topic or person. There are some people that will just join because you asked them to - or see that you joined and they just want to be a part of the community. Nowadays - there is so much information, email, and social media being crammed down our throats, I try to limit my involvement whenever possible and reduce the noise.

Absolutely agree with your final thought and I do the same as well.

"I try to limit my involvement whenever possible and reduce the noise"
noise can bring visitors and money:)

"I try to limit my involvement whenever possible and reduce the noise"
noise can bring visitors and money:)

Yea.. if you are the one making it! :)
I was talking about reducing the amount of noise I am forced to listen to.

Yes, I do believe that having too many irrelevant "friends" and "followers" increase the social network clutter.

or that irrelevant friends and followers can bring you money:)

How can reading irrelevant posts bring you money?

I am still curious about the money part. I would LOVE to know!!

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