Is digging on your story useful?

yes, it is useful on your story. it really help SEO to increase traffic and to make your link is promote your content.

If you use it to link to a topic of interest then yes but if the content of the digg is worthless it will quickly be found out

Yes! Digg is one of the top 10 websites that brings traffic to my website. In order to take full advantage of this social bookmarking site, you need to discover how to effectively connect with the other Digg users and determine how they interact.

Yeah! digg helpful but not every-time! Make a colorful description and manage some follower! Then you can get some hit regularly!

indeed digg is a great source of traffic

Yes, agreed. Digg is very helpful to build traffic for your site or story. It is the most powerful social bookmarking site with compared to other bookmarking sites.

According to my evaluation the Digg is helpful for the awareness about your unique ideas, products, and services. Its also helpful for the new current affairs publicity. But for SEO there is nothing except links.

So Digg also helpful in making traffic in a site? I should try it so that I can have more traffic opportunities to my own blog site. By the way, what is the main function of Digg? I mean is it more on site directories, bookmarking, or a social network just like Facebook? Thanks.

Yes it is help you on all way of promotion of a website.

Yeah, digg is very useful for the sotry, it will generate traffic to your website...

Yes digg is a helpful site for SEO. It does get traffic and provides link juice.

Digg is good social networking site for website promotion with good Page Rank and number of users online in digg

commented: more 1-line pith and spam links -4

Yes, at least for a few visitors, may 2-5 for one digg. But it's really helpful to get indexed new content on my sites.

Digg is a social news website. It helps to promote your site but many other things are required too.

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