
I want to get a (free) SSL certificate so I can test it out (on localhost) before applying it on my real site. This is for a Magento store but should be universal, more or less. Resources? Where should I get it from? How to?

You could always set up an internal Certificate server on your network to issue internal certificates for testing. Also, if you are running the website on IIS 7.5, that version supports IIS creating self-signed certificates that is very useful for testing/validation purposes.

You could always set up an internal Certificate server on your network to issue internal certificates for testing. Also, if you are running the website on IIS 7.5, that version supports IIS creating self-signed certificates that is very useful for testing/validation purposes.

Im using Apache. How can I set up a Internet Certificate server on my network?


I was able to generate one with success :) The only current problem I have is that the entire site is SSLd............I cant SSL just ONE page...

I am able to know about this information .

I have the same question. Thanks for sharing the source JorgeM.

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