hi i used to work with ipb for along time but i thinking to move to vb but i found that theres to versions of vb 3.0.x series and 3.5.x can anybody tell me wot is the difference pls ?

When you posted this thread we were using 3.0.x. We're now using 3.5 :) Can you tell the difference?

vB 3.5 code is more streamlined, more object-oriented, has support for AJAX for various inline moderation tools, and has a nifty plugin system to make installing hacks very easy.

3.5 is just an upgrade from 3.0 and might I say a very nice one. It's faster and a lot easier to add modifications to it. Not to mention the MOD/Admin features are killer.

Yeah, the mod features in 3.5 are awesome.

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