how to increase traffic in mine social media site.

Include Your Website On All Your Social Networks do Social Media Monitoring and Engagement and then start a Company Blog and do Social Media Advertising.

Share the article which are published in various social media site.Include pics and videos instead of content.Join in groups and share it to the relevant audience.Run some kind of contest or polls.

Social media is a great place to get people know your products. The fastest way to get their attention is by giving what they want. Having contest is a great way to attract the attention of the people. To make the most of social traffic, be sure to attend to their preferences and offer some freebies if you can.

Join communities and active over there, Involve in Q&A Activity.
when you will give (quality ans) ans's then every one knows you.
Post content on social media sites and in group/communities also.
Surely it will help you to increase traffic.

You will increase your traffic in social network with facebook. Provide an exellent content to hook the attention of audience so that they will show some interest to your goods. Also use twitter and reddit.

Well this quite long process but still you can increase traffic for your social media accounts. You can do the following activities in order to increase traffic.
1. Need to post content on a daily basis
2. Increase your connections on social media (Paid or organic)
3. Engage with the audience.
4. Always encourage other's post/content and appraise them for their valuable content.
5. Make comment on an industry niche blog with your Social media account
6. Use social media link in the email signature.
7. Integrate social media link to website and blog.
8. Monitor your influence and improve content quality.

If you know your audiences then it becomes easy to target them. Write content and post them on social media sites. Also understand the nature of each social media website and utilize it efficiently. Engage with them and build audiences.

Share it on all social media websites and post it to a lot of forums. Create videos and make a good design. Make people join your website... start by making your friends and family join and then people will see activity and will join too...

Who is your target audience? Finbd them wherever they are and pitch your site in a way that will not turn them off! If need be, take out ads in places where your prospects congregate. Do the same things that everybody else does to promote their sites on social media without forgetting to be social! Wish the best.


If you work with the CPA network I advice you to depond on paid traffic.

Post information rich content with attractive images/graphics which will seek users attention to your post.

Be active on all social media sites. Share your post to the relevant social media groups.

Join same niche or reated Groups.

active on that groups and pages

conduct social ad campaigns

coduct contest and events

do activitiies daily.

always try to focus worthy content for post

add more niche related meme

I use several different methods to get traffic to my site. There are two types of traffic, cold traffic and warm traffic. Solo ads are cold traffic and blogging, blog hopping, blog commenting, videos and podcasts are warm traffic. The difference is with solo ads you have no contact with your customers. With warm traffic you interact with your customers. I like warm traffic. It takes a lot longer but in the sceam of things, you get to know like and trust eachother.

Get to know your followers, see what they like, what do they care about and offer them some content they would like. Post diverse content - videos, infographics, unique images, is possible, engage in discussions...

How To Increase Website Traffic With Social Media Marketing
1.Include Your Website On All Your Social Networks
2.Start a Company Blog.
3.Social Media Advertising.
4.Twitter Chats and Google Hangouts.


Facbook has changed its game. None of your posts reach all your viewers or followers unless its a good read. If you want to share your post among your followers you'd have to pay for it for sure.

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