Conditions: no budget for advertizing, no sponsors. What are good ways to promote for free. (p.s. guest posts are not working).

What is the nature of the site? Eg is it eCommerce with a blog tacked on? Is the entire thing a content site? What does the navigational structure look like?

There isn’t a one size fits all answer.

commented: The site is about on-premise corporate software with a section that contains articles: descriptions, guides, reviews, news, etc. +0

Yes for example you choose some keywords to SEO your site, then you can create a blog and create content with these keywords. Then link them to your site. It's a good way to get backlink for your site

Absolutely! Using keywords in your articles helps promote them through search engines, social media, and other sites. By strategically placing keywords throughout your content, you can make sure that your article appears higher in search results pages and attract more clicks. That means more people will see and hopefully engage with your article, resulting in more traffic to your site. Of course, keyword placement isn’t the only important factor in promotion – but it’s definitely a valuable tool that can help give your articles a boost. So if you’re looking to promote your website or blog posts, consider using keywords to help get the word out there!

Yes, definitely, and surely keywords help with digital promotion. Keywords play a vital role in enhancing your reach, and before publishing any article or post on your website, you must look for keywords with the highest search rate. However, you must maintain a balance of short and long-tail keywords. Also, you should not blindly include any keyword with a good reach in your post, and there are several factors that you must analyze before selecting a keyword. Let’s take a look at those factors:

Search Volume: In simple words, this term indicates how many people are typing this keyword in the search bar while researching a particular topic. An ideal keyword must have a high search volume.

Keyword Competition: How many of your competitors include this keyword on their website or page? A keyword with high competition has very few chances of positively affecting your ranking. Conversely, an ideal keyword must have low competition.

Keyword Relevancy: You should not blindly include any keyword that is not even relevant to your page. For example, if a keyword in your blog or post is not relevant to the material of your blog, search engines avoid crawling these pages, which will ultimately harm the ranking of your website.

These were the three factors an individual must look after before inserting any keyword into their blog. However, although they are crucial, they are not the only ones that decide the strength of a keyword. Other factors like Keyword ROI and Keyword intent also affect the value of the potential keywords.

Yes, Articles with keywords really help with digital promotion.

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