
I am spending about €50 per day advertising on Google through selected websites. For this, we are getting about about 100 visits per day. Is this normal or should we be able to achieve much more. Also, our bounce rate is about 80%. Again, is this normal or should we be doing much better. We are marketing online clinics to websites concerned with health, fitness and lifestyle and are therefore targeting our adverts to health related sites.
Does anyone know a better way to spend our money to increase visits etc?



the bounce rate is ok...for 50bucks you get 100 visits per day ,that's not a worth investment,do you have articles on fitness, health and lifestyle added daily or frequently? then you should try submitting the URLS to social bookmarking sites like reddit, digg and delicious you should be able to get atleast 30 visitors from each url u submit for fREE!

He said 50 Euros ... not 50 dollars. At least I THINK that's the symbol for euros?

Hmmm, 50 Euros for 100 Visitors?.. I would not invest for that mount immediately even bounce rates are good.
Why won't you try Forums, Blogs, Web 2.0
And see..

Good luck

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