Hi guys, i have my own domain. then after creating my own website how to upload or publish my website? Thanks. anyhelp is greatly appreciated.

Hi guys, i have my own domain. then after creating my own website how to upload or publish my website? Thanks. anyhelp is greatly appreciated.

Depends on the web host you are hosting. Where are you hosting your website?
by the way, try filezilla.com, it might help you to upload.

You'll need some type of ftp (file transfer protocol) software. This will allow you to move your files from your local machine to the server that the site is hosted on. Most web editors like Dreamweaver and FrontPage already have ftp included. Otherwise, there are many free ones like Filezilla and FireFTP that will do just fine. Once the software is installed, you'll need your domain name, username, and password to connect to the site.

thanks guys, i'll try it out

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