Hi alls Web Develpor

I have a Entertainment website (working in process)
one of mine close friend is working on it.
he made a index page for me and now trying to making database.

but when he upload index page it was working fine. but after 6 or 7 days mine site give me virus notification.

i m using Kesparsky Internet security.
after that alot of users tell me that in ur site there is virus
i have talk with mine friend.
he said virus atteck in our script and i cant find it.

is there anyone who will help me?
coz i really need it.
Thanks in Advance

Check to see if the uploaded script is the same as the one you wrote.

If it is not the same, someone has hacked the site. Or it may be that the host either modified the script, or added another script.

Other possibilities:

- You are referencing someone else's website that has a virus.

- You have code in your script that is vulnerable to viruses.

- Your script code matches the code of a known virus enough that the virus checker is falsely flagging it.

- The virus is in the computer, not the website.

database backed up? it's needed very often

I have tottly Remove mine Site
after that i have upload Again Something Like Forum..
And 2 pages
In Mozilla Its Warn me that there is virus
and in IE its work fine
see this site
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