I'm integrating a Lightform AJAX contact form with a web page I already made. The error messages render properly in all major browsers except IE8. Assuming it's a CSS problem are there some IE8 CSS bugs I am overlooking? Are there any fixes for those bugs if so?

Every browser has bugs. In theory, if your running in IE8 and your in quirks mode you will inherit IE6 and IE7 problems. The best thing you can do is put in a valid strict doctype then validate your code. Once you've cleaned up any errors it should work fine.

If you want some help and explanation, post your code or a link to the site.

I'm integrating a Lightform AJAX contact form with a web page I already made. The error messages render properly in all major browsers except IE8. Assuming it's a CSS problem are there some IE8 CSS bugs I am overlooking? Are there any fixes for those bugs if so?

can you post the error message you are getting?

can you post the error message you are getting?

No, the error messages are a product of one of the JS sheets linked to the contact form.

What IS it doing wrong? Be specific.

What IS it doing wrong? Be specific.

The problem I am encountering is that only with IE8 do the error messages that are programmed by the formcheck.js external sheet to show up if the visitor inputs incorrect or improperly formatted information show up far away from the form itself. In all other major browsers each error message shows up right near its corresponding input text field.

To fix the CSS issue in IE8, all the width and height need to be mentioned with proper value. That i ll fix all the main issues in IE8

I just integrated this LightForm. I have an issue with IE if used in iframes: AJAX error messages don't show up at all and it let's the form processed with empty fields.

Anybody had similar issues?

I googled for 4 hours now and no solution.

Thanks for the advice.

(I have to use iframe, as we have several similar websites and want to use the same contact form on all of them, and to collect all contacts into one database - and also don't want to update on several websites if there is a slight modification on the contact form)

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