Hi everyone,
There are so many tools available in the market today for web design and development. Can anyone suggest me that which tool is the best for web design and development.

With Regards,

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Before deciding on an app (or number of apps), you need a good idea of what type of sites you will be building and which languages you'll be using.

A few IDEs allow you to code in pHp/ASP/JS/Perl/Python/RoR/Coldfusion/Flash's ActionScript and write CSS/XHTML/XML etc.

Pretty much all you need is a text editor. Notepad++ is a good all-rounder and you can download plug-ins for different languages which allow codeword-completion and dropdown suggestions.

Aptana and Netbeans are also good free IDEs.

For graphics, try Gimp for a free app.

You'll also need a good FTP app - CoffeeCup is a really good free one, as is FireFTP (plug-in for Firefox).

You'll need most of the modern browsers for checking you sites: IE, FF, Opera, Chrome, Safari as the bare minimum. Keeping old browser versions for compatibility checking is awkward if you don't have an old machine at hand. If not you can use browsershots.org to see how your site looks in nearly every browser known (includes many linux browsers). Unfortunately, this only gives you a static image, no way to test links/javascript etc.

If you're going to use server-side scripting (e.g. php), you'll need to download some serious software, eg. XAMPP (Apache webserver, pHp, MySQL and a few other bits). In order to control localserver databases, you can use phpMyAdmin, but OS-based GUIs are more user-friendly, like the community version (free) of SQLyog.

IF you've got money to burn, then you can try Abode/Macromedia Dreamweaver/Flash/Fireworks/Photoshop.

There are so many tools available in the market today for web design and development. Can anyone suggest me that which tool is the best for web design and development.

For HTML and CSS, all you need is a text editor (notepad, emacs, nano, etc.).

For images, ImageMagick and GIMP are free.

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