Hi Everyone,

I am a new comer in this forum. I am too weak to making code in HTML and CSS. Please help me how can I improve myself in this particular coding.

Check out http://www.pagetutor.com ...it's a great site for learning the basics of html ...they also have some basic CSS tutorials as well.

Check out http://www.pagetutor.com ...it's a great site for learning the basics of html ...they also have some basic CSS tutorials as well.

really this link is very useful
thank you

Member Avatar for diafol

Google HTML tutorials, CSS tutorials. W3Schools is a good place to visit.

Check out http://www.pagetutor.com ...it's a great site for learning the basics of html ...they also have some basic CSS tutorials as well.

Hi bhartman21,

Thank you for your help. If u have any other website, please aware me about that.
thanx again.

Google HTML tutorials, CSS tutorials. W3Schools is a good place to visit.

Hi ardav,

Thanx for your support. Actually I want to khow about any good HTML and CSS tutorials.
thanx again.

really this link is very useful
thank you

Hi Eng.Suha,

Thank you a lot for helping me. If I have any query I will ask u. Thanx again.

My personal recommendations?

Buy the newest edition of either the Dummies guide or Idiot's guide to HTML. OR if you're up to it, the newest O'Reilly publications on CSS, HTML or XHTML. (These are pricey but well worth it.)

Then download Total Validator from http://www.totalvalidator.com/ and validate your code. (Um, this assumes you're running a home server. If you're not, validate through http://validator.w3.org/ or get Liam Quinn's ARV at http://arealvalidator.com/ )

From my observation, the key to good code is validation, validation, validation.

Dandello is absolutely right about the validator.

A code validator like http://validator.w3.org/ should be the first stop when troubleshooting a problem. There's no sense troubleshooting a problem sitting on top of shaky code, and surprisingly often the problem disappears when the code is validated.

My personal recommendations?

Buy the newest edition of either the Dummies guide or Idiot's guide to HTML. OR if you're up to it, the newest O'Reilly publications on CSS, HTML or XHTML. (These are pricey but well worth it.)

Then download Total Validator from http://www.totalvalidator.com/ and validate your code. (Um, this assumes you're running a home server. If you're not, validate through http://validator.w3.org/ or get Liam Quinn's ARV at http://arealvalidator.com/ )

From my observation, the key to good code is validation, validation, validation.

Hi Dandello,

Thanks a lot for your kind help. I really got help from it.


Member Avatar for diafol

NO single tutorial I've seen will give you everything you need, and certainly each one may be frought with the odd mistake. You have to think clearly about what you're going to need - XHTML or HTML (version 5?). The trick is to find the right tool for the right job. I find that I use XHTML transitional for almost everything - I find the 'looseness' of HTML4 a little off-putting, BUT - HTML5 is calling. CSS has more issues that the New York Times. There are loads of good sites showing browser compatibilities with regard to 2.1 and 3. Ensure that you have a range of browsers installed on your production machine, including IE, webkit and mozilla based browsers and Opera. Test your sites in all of them. I enjoy working in Chrome, but the mess that IE makes of my sites is nobody's business.

learn all the technologies and find out which is latest technology booming in the world and try to understand the concepts ..almost other technologies are similar but a little extended versions will be released that is nothing but which was not happened in the previous tech will be taken into account and find out a solution for it and it will be released ....what i recommend is ...there is nothing like good coding ...it should be smart and short coding...

learn all the technologies and find out which is latest technology booming in the world and try to understand the concepts ..almost other technologies are similar but a little extended versions will be released that is nothing but which was not happened in the previous tech will be taken into account and find out a solution for it and it will be released ....what i recommend is ...there is nothing like good coding ...it should be smart and short coding...

Hi Mahesh2011,

Thanks a lot for your important information that i have got from you. I want to learn smart and short coding that as your tips. thanks a lot again.


You need to learn from basic and i hope w3schoolis best site where you learn more better about html coding.

The best way to learn something is to do it. Nothing beats experience. First you have to know enough to be able to do it. Read books, look at online resources, read through threads in forums, and most importantly - try to code things on your own. Regardless of how simple it is.

At some point you will learn about the doctype. Here is a quick explanation as to what it is.

"The doctype is required for all modern web pages. It is the set of rules you are telling the browser you are using to create the page. Change the doctype, change the rules." - Doc

So which do you use, and should you be using HTML or XHTML. The only difference is that XHTML has a stricter markup (syntax or simply put, the code used), and that is it used to parse (handle) XML data. Since you're just starting out I'm positive you won't be using XML (another language like HTML - they are not similar). So you need to use the HTML 4.0 Strict doctype. As I said before you will run into this very quickly in web design, and which one you use is very important.

Now I know this is all a lot to take in. To be perfectly honest it should be. Half the things you should be taught from the beginning you won't learn until a few years later (assuming you continue learning/applying). Now a lot of other users are telling you to go to w3schools, and that's fine. It's a great place to learn the absolute basics, but where do you go from there? I suggest this book. It covers everything from the basic syntax for each page to the CSS box model. It's complete with examples and code you can download to use along with the book. It's really a fantastic place to start if you're really interested in learning HTML and CSS.

Regards, Arkinder

The only web development resource you'll ever need.


  1. That's far from true.
  2. This has already been posted in this thread how many times now?
  3. It's a resource that gives minimal explinations.
  4. w3.org ever heard of it?

Regards, Arkinder

Member Avatar for diafol

Before you guys slug it out, just realise that you're posting to a dead thread. Last word before resurrection: 18-06-10. If you just want to bump your post count, carry on.

Before you guys slug it out, just realise that you're posting to a dead thread. Last word before resurrection: 18-06-10. If you just want to bump your post count, carry on.

I really should start checking the dates on these. Thanks ^_^

Regards, Arkinder

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