I am totally desperate, have tried thousands of scripts and nothing works. I am not a web design genius, but am never afraid to try.
Please, I have a form (see script below) with 5 questions. The user has to fill in the spaces with the answers and Submit. I need this information to be sent to my email address without using the mailto (as this opens the mail provider, and it's messy). How can I get these answers in my e-mail address and then redirect to the same page, without the client seeing it was sent to an email address?

<form name="questions" id="questions" method="post" action="">
            <p>1. Question 1</p>
              <textarea name="textfield" cols="40"></textarea>
            <p>2. Question 2</p>
              <textarea name="textfield" cols="40"></textarea> 
            <p>3. Question 3</p>
              <textarea name="textfield" cols="40"></textarea> 
            <p>4. Question 4</p>
              <textarea name="textfield" cols="40"></textarea> 
            <p>5. Question 5</p>
              <textarea name="textfield" cols="40"></textarea> 
            <input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Submit"/>              

Unfortunately I don't have a sample script on-hand to provide you right this moment but...

1) you have no action defined... this would generally be where the form calls either a server side or client side script to process the submitted information and perform the tasks you require of it. Currently, from what I can tell, it'll just perform a page postback with no action.
2) you can utilize (in most cases) your web-server's built in mail functionality (with the use of a script as outlined above) to deliver the mail while simultaneously providing the on-screen feedback result you're looking for. There are a number of pre-written scripts in languages varying from javascript to php to server-side ASP.Net scripts but again I don't have any on-hand to provide you with at this time.

What I might recommend would be a quick google search for "form mail" scripts and see what you can find (unless someone else here feels up to writing or providing one for you).

Hope this helps somewhat :) Please remember to mark threads solved once your issue is resolved.

Thanks for the reply. A friend solved it using php. Works fine now.

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