Our company site was recently redesigned and all php web pages were switched to html instead. Now, Google is giving off a lot of 404 errors, regardless that our sitemap is updated and submitted (without errors) since a month ago, and almost resubmitted daily due to added pages.

How would I go about correcting this so Google stops looking for the php pages that do not even exist? They are not even listed in the sitemap either which I don't understand. The "detected date" are recent as well, so they are not from prior to the site changes/sitemap update.

The robot is fine. Crawler access shows 20 hours ago as well.

Thanks for the help in advance.

from what i have read in the past, you are at the mercy of the google.

i dont know how to answer your question, but i can i ask why you changed it to .html instead of .php ?

are .html more seo friendly?

Our company site was recently redesigned and all php web pages were switched to html instead. Now, Google is giving off a lot of 404 errors, regardless that our sitemap is updated and submitted (without errors) since a month ago, and almost resubmitted daily due to added pages.

How would I go about correcting this so Google stops looking for the php pages that do not even exist? They are not even listed in the sitemap either which I don't understand. The "detected date" are recent as well, so they are not from prior to the site changes/sitemap update.

The robot is fine. Crawler access shows 20 hours ago as well.

Thanks for the help in advance.

first off all tell me all new .php or .html pages has been indexed or not or cache

It usually takes 2 to 4 weeks for Google to index your site,

Resubmit your Site-map in Google webmaster tools

This is from google.com..

The requested URL was not found on this server. There are so many reasons that this might have happened we can scarcely bring ourselves to type them all out. You might have typed the URL incorrectly, for instance. Or (less likely but certainly plausible) we might have coded the URL incorrectly. Or (far less plausible, but theoretically possible, depending on which ill-defined Grand Unifying Theory of physics one subscribes to), some random fluctuation in the space-time continuum might have produced a shatteringly brief but nonetheless real electromagnetic discombobulation which caused this error page to appear. Or (and truth be told, this is by far the most likely scenario) you might have reached a page that we meant to create but didn't get around to it, since this year's April Fool's joke got hacked together at the last minute

Most likely just some old links. Even if you fixed them, Google will keep reporting them for some time.

If you put some 301 redirects in you should have no problem. have a look at http://www.webconfs.com/how-to-redirect-a-webpage.php
This should take care of the problem. Once the search engines stop delivering php pages take the rediercts out. This should solve the problem instantly.

What's your website address?

Click on my name and it will take you to my profile. Everything is there. I haven't scowered the rules to see if I can put my web site in a reply.

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