Is there an easy way to figure out which doctype is the correct type when using the validator?

Meaning did you run the validator and one of your errors is no doctype??

one of them was no doc type, and now that i added the html 4.0 transitional doctype, i have 3 errors... i uploaded a screen shot of the errors

what doctype do i need if i want to include <h1> and <h2> etc. tags?

All doctypes support ALL html tags, however there are variances on how they're closed, where they are used, and whether they're all caps or not.

Can you post a live link to your site? Then I can see exactly what the errors are and maybe whats going on.

If you read the explaination of the error and possible reasons for the error, you can get some ideas about whats wrong.

Block level elements cant be placed inside inline elements.

You have a doctype of 4.01 Transistional. Not sure then what you're asking. The only error on your page you linked above is that you didnt close the <center> tag with </center>

Which by the way is way out dated(deprecated) and shouldn't really be used. Along with your table based layout, but all that is another discussion.

If you add </center> right above the last </div> tag, the page validates.
The other page passes as well. So what are you asking/looking for??

Well i was trying to figure out if i had used the correct doctype in the first place, which i guess i did. Thank you, lol

But the center tag needs to be closed.. i missed that completely.

(yeah, i know its all outdated, BUT it's the layout my boss created like 10 years ago, and he does not want to change it...he's very happy with it... so im working with what i've got to work with. lol)

Thank you veryyy much for your help. I appreciate it!

BUT it's the layout my boss created like 10 years ago, and he does not want to change it...he's very happy with it... so im working with what i've got to work with. lol)

Yes, I too face a similar dilema every day with regards to employers having outdated crazy page layout and website ideas.

Glad to help! Good luck.

btw, unless your going to be dealing with xml or MathXL, then HTML 4.01 should suffice for all your needs. More can be read here.

commented: Thank you! +1

A bazillion times, Thank you! :)

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