hi here
i just started learning HTML & CSS couple days ago
so please help me out :)
what I'm trying to do here is to
show a little box/window when the user moves his/her mouse to the designated point
in my case it is a city(that will be in a table cell w/ couple more cities)
the box/window will show an address correspond to the city
if the user can move his/her mouse into the box/window and is able to copy the address
that will be even better :)

please do inform me if the description isn't understandable.
thanks a lot for helping with my problem :)

Do you know Javascript? It sounds like you want a mouseover effect that displays a hidden div when the mouse is over the target. You would use a mouseout to hide the div when the mouse moves away.

Do you know Javascript? It sounds like you want a mouseover effect that displays a hidden div when the mouse is over the target. You would use a mouseout to hide the div when the mouse moves away.

I just started learning javascript earlier this afternoon
I'll take a look at the mouseover/mouseout part
thanks a lot!

I found something similar in jQuery's mouseover() method
looks like a possible solution to my problem

seems to me the mouseover() method does trigger something
but how do I make a little pop out window to show the content?
maybe the hide() and show() will do the trick?
or is there another way?

A simpler way without javascript, since some ppl chose to disable js in their browsers, would be with a hidden div thats activated with the hover. There are plenty of tutorials for that as well, but the basic jist of it would be:

Create a div or even an image with whatever you want to "pop-up" in a window, then set it to 0 width and 0 height. Then in your stylesheet have something like:

#divName a:hover {
         width: 200px;
         height: 200px;
         position: (whereever you need)


Then when the user hovers over the table cell or whereever the hidden div/image is, it will display. That simple. No hard to understand javascript and no worries about users not being able to see the window.

hmm marked solved. What did you do? Inquiring minds want to know! lol

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