Hello everybody. Yesterday i formatted my Pc. There was a website which i checked everyday. Everything seems to work fine in IE but not in Firefox. www.haberlink.com that is the site. In the right of the page there is a slide show for images. That doesnt show up in Firefox, but i can see it in IE. What should i do? Should i install an add-on or something like that? I am not the developer of the site. I tried Chrome too, it doesn't work neither.

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Seems to work fine in Chrome.

Yes it works on my mothers laptop but it doesn't work on my pc. I just formatted it.

Yes it works on my mothers laptop but it doesn't work on my pc. I just formatted it.

its workin fine in FIREFOX 8...! + wat version r u using...?

I guess you're missing some extensions/add-ons for JavaScript.

It's a Javascript slide show, and thus doesn't need any extensions or add-ins, as browsers come with Javascript engines built in.
So just check under Tools> Options >Content that you haven't disabled Javascript by accident.

Formatting your hard drive is always so very destructive and disruptive, and is only recommended in truly extreme cases.

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