Hi there,

I am quite new to web design and I would like to know where to start from to build a dating site from scratch without using any of the software or applications that builds it for you. Thanks

hope to hear your suggestions

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Learn the following (and probably in this order):

JavaScript - learn how to use a Library like jQuery as well
Photo editing software (GIMP, PhotoShop, Paint.Net)

Development (you could lump JavaScript in this section as well):
C# or PHP (at least one server side language)
SQL (learn to use stored procedures)

And that should keep you busy for the next 5 years.

Thats great, since this is very nobel work ;) let me explain you: before doing any work always see what previous work has been done in that field and how??? First you should browse others sites, list down the features that they have in their websites and you want to implement in your site. After that you should go for technology selection and beleive me dating site is not as easy to develop because these kind of site experience large amount of traffic and require deep knowledge of database design to handle large amount of data and efficient transactions. Should be graphic enrich to attract dufferes, should have windows services to keep posting the useless and attractive emails. May be have GSM implemention to send free sms.....blah blah....

I would use ASP.NET (C#) for the security (SQL Injection, all the other bad things). HTML & CSS for the design, also a professional photo software (GIMP, PhotoShop, Paint.Net). Also a webhosting service (GoDaddy, HostGator).

I suggest you to use software for html coding otherwise it would be brain cracking task for you

As sufyan2011 says first you have to go through existed websites. Do complete analysis of these sites. Then think about what you want to add new features in it which is not provided in those existed sites. And finally make is user and seo friendly for popularity.

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