
I have a wordpress theme which I am looking to add some custom Html and CSS from another theme to

The actual theme code is here for the page http://cssdesk.com/Uhwus

The code I am trying to see is some of this http://www.kevinwiles.co.uk/wp-content/themes/breeze/cv/

I am looking to take out the middle section and put it within the wordpress theme.

I have both themes (paid) can anyone help?

To make a new theme yous should read the codex form wordpress

This is from the codex of wordpress I think you are now ready to make your cv theme for any other questions don't hesitate to ask have a nice weekend

The main stylesheet. This must be included with your Theme, and it must contain the information header for your Theme.
The rtl stylesheet. This will be included automatically if the website's text direction is right-to-left. This can be generated using the the RTLer plugin.
The main template. If your Theme provides its own templates, index.php must be present.
The comments template.
The front page template, it is only used if you use a static front page.
The home page template, which is the front page by default. If you use a static front page this is the template for the page with the latest posts.
The single post template. Used when a single post is queried. For this and all other query templates, index.php is used if the query template is not present.
The single post template used when a single post from a custom post type is queried. For example, single-books.php would be used for displaying single posts from the custom post type books. index.php is used if the query template for the custom post type is not present.
The page template. Used when an individual Page is queried.
The category template. Used when a category is queried.
The tag template. Used when a tag is queried.
The term template. Used when a term in a custom taxonomy is queried.
The author template. Used when an author is queried.
The date/time template. Used when a date or time is queried. Year, month, day, hour, minute, second.
The archive template. Used when a category, author, or date is queried. Note that this template will be overridden by category.php, author.php, and date.php for their respective query types.
The search results template. Used when a search is performed.
Attachment template. Used when viewing a single attachment.
Image attachment template. Used when viewing a single image attachment. If not present, attachment.php will be used.
The 404 Not Found template. Used when WordPress cannot find a post or page that matches the query.
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